Jan 17, 2010

IPVS on Fox News

Our Lady of Fatima Statue Graces Austin
Updated: Friday, 15 Jan 2010, 9:52 PM CSTPublished : Friday, 15 Jan 2010, 12:52 PM CST

Nancy Zambrano FOX 7 Reporter

Austin, TX - It's the 90 year story behind the statue of the Lady of Fatima that draws attention worldwide. As part of its international pilgrimage it's now in Austin at St. Mary's Cathedral thanks to the efforts of Father Albert Laforet.
"I think it's a great message of hope and when we are in the situation when there's a lot of war and tensions lots of despair the message of Fatima is a message of hope for today," says Father Laforet.
The story dates back to 1917 when three children reported apparitions of Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal. The apparitions to many worshipers was one of hope. That's when a bishop in Fatima suggested the message needed to be spread.
"Christian people around the world weren't getting it, and so he had the idea of a traveling statue going out on a teaching mission," says Carl Malburg.
He is an expert on the history of the statue and has been traveling with the religious icon for years. He says it was around 1947 when two statues were built. Since then what some call a wooden masterpiece of art has traveled around the world and attracted millions of believers.
"There seems to be something to it, we think it is the lord himself providing a lot of answers to prayers and giving gifts and comforts to people, often called miracles," says Malburg.
Also called a miracle the reports and pictures of tears coming down the cheeks of the image.
"In fact investigated at the hospital to be not water but human tears and so those things do attract the people," says Malburg.
The religious story it even inspired a Hollywood movie. In Austin Friday night those who believe in it's power came to see Lady of Fatima for themselves.
"It's an honor to be here tonight to be in her presence and you know it's something that I'll never get the opportunity to visit Fatima," says parishioner Maryann Schmidt.
Following the Mass, a discussion was held about the history of the statue. Saturday statue will make it's way to San Antonio to continue on it's journey.