Nov 13, 2013

IPVS Represented During the Marian Day in Rome

On the occasion of the anniversary of the final apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima (October 13, 1917), the faithful belonging to diverse associations of Marian spirituality gathered for a Marian Day. The Holy Father called for it, we responded. For this event, the original Statue of Our Lady of Fatima was brought to Rome.

It was an honored mission to represent the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue Foundation to take part in this historic celebration at the Vatican Square. I have set foot in Italy for the first time and with reverent awe, I was tremendously struck at the sight of St. Peter’s BasiIica during the great encounter of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima and the Pope while I waved the IPVS banner with the pilgrims.

With more than a hundred and fifty thousand pilgrims from all over the world, we sang and prayed the rosary in solemn procession before the Mass. The Pope then led the prayer, the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I joined the delegates of the Confraternity of Mary, MediatrixofAllGrace,fromthePhilippines and California, headed by Rev. Fr. Melvin Castro.

We are very grateful to Her Excellency, Mercy Tuazon, Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican in providing usaspecialpasstoagetaseatonthe main atrium of St. Peter’s Square for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist with Pope Francis.

Our presence here signifies our strong commitment to the message of Our Lady of Fatima and our solidarity with the Holy Father. This is part of the conclusion of the Year of Faith. It united hundreds of movements and institutions connoted with Marian devotions among such group as the IPVS Foundation. The purpose of such event was, in the words of the organizing committee, “to express how the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is the icon of faith for every believer and that in her trusting obedience to the will of the Father She was able to work genuine wonders”.

The next day, I flew to Fatima, Portugal where the statue returned in its place in the capelinha. This was a providential occasion where I was able to personally meet with the Bishop of Fatima, Most Rev. Antonio Marto, shook his hands and joined a handful of other pilgrims during the nightly candle light procession in the Cova da Iria. There are no words to describe the peace and tranquility I have experienced in these holy places together with God’s holy people.

Rest assured, I have brought all your petitions there with me. All of you who have supported this ministry and praying for us, too. You have sent me there and I am very grateful. May we all be united in the love of the Blessed Mother as we promote devotions to Her Immaculate Heart.

-patrick sabat 

Sep 13, 2013

Why is the message of Fatima so important?

The message of Fatima to bring about peace by means of prayer, penance and conversion is so important in our troubled and violent world. This is a simple way to regain peace and defeat the evils of our time (selfishness, pride and greed, among others) which are so prevalent in our modern society that abandons God and prayer. The world continues to offend the Lord today even more with their sins and blasphemies. Our Lady of Fatima warns us not to allow all kind of sins to reign in our family and country particularly the sins of abortion and keeping silent about our God-given right to life. It is for this reason that even Pope Francis recently appeals for peace to the whole world and asked Our Lady of Fatima to help us. 

Aug 13, 2013

Is this Peace Plan from Heaven only for Catholics?

Peace in the world is not only the affairs of the Catholics but all people of good will. It hopes to inspire the hearts of all men, even to the non-Christians, so that they may open their minds to the truth that the only way to peace is the way of God, as told and delivered to us by Our Lady of Fatima. True peace can only come from God.
To put the statue’s place in history, we can understand that even non-catholics need to respond to its deep roots of the Evangelical calls to prayer, penance and conversion for peace in the world. It is for this reason that we call it the Peace Plan from Heaven.
Historically, the statue’s mission came at a time when the world needed it (1947- after WWII).
Obviously, the world needs it even more today because of its relevance and urgency. The world continues to offend the Lord even more with their sins and blasphemies. The world is still at war with evil. Or have we allowed selfishness and pride and all kind of sins to reign in our family and country, allowing abortion and keeping silent about our God-given right to life? 

Jul 13, 2013

What does IPVS stands for?

IPVS is an acronym which stands for the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue. This is the Pilgrim Virgin Committee that manages the travels of the statue and spreads the message of Our Lady of Fatima all over the world. 

Jun 13, 2013

What are the blessings you hope it brings (IPVS Visitation) to our parish / diocese?

The blessings that come with the whole program of the visitation of the IPVS Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will hopefully prepare us (as a person and as a parish/ diocese) to receive the graces we need through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and that we may better cooperate with that special grace. Also, that we may respond to the calls of Our Lady. This is indeed a great spiritual blessing in itself. Of course, each member of our communities have their own personal intentions and need, so we pray, too, that their prayers may be answered.

“When we invoke God’s blessing, we implore His divine benevolence, trusting that He will respond to our needs.” -Catechism of the Catholic Church