Aug 13, 2013

Is this Peace Plan from Heaven only for Catholics?

Peace in the world is not only the affairs of the Catholics but all people of good will. It hopes to inspire the hearts of all men, even to the non-Christians, so that they may open their minds to the truth that the only way to peace is the way of God, as told and delivered to us by Our Lady of Fatima. True peace can only come from God.
To put the statue’s place in history, we can understand that even non-catholics need to respond to its deep roots of the Evangelical calls to prayer, penance and conversion for peace in the world. It is for this reason that we call it the Peace Plan from Heaven.
Historically, the statue’s mission came at a time when the world needed it (1947- after WWII).
Obviously, the world needs it even more today because of its relevance and urgency. The world continues to offend the Lord even more with their sins and blasphemies. The world is still at war with evil. Or have we allowed selfishness and pride and all kind of sins to reign in our family and country, allowing abortion and keeping silent about our God-given right to life?